
Vision in Art and Neuroscience Fall 2024 

9.72 (UG)

9.720 (G)

Tues & Thurs 3-5 pm in 10-150 (MIT Museum Studio)

contact: visualstudies AT mit.edu

The constructive nature of perception is at work in the gap between the observer and the outside – there, the world of experience is generated. From limited and noisy data incoming through the senses, our brains construct the rich world we perceive. Creating visual art throws that world of experience back to the outside, and in it we find reflected some mechanisms of the constructive process of vision. As such, we can find examples in art which allow us to “perceive perception.” Through readings, lecture, discussion, and project-based work, this course explore the neural and computational mechanisms of vision and their parallel manifestations in visual art. Working together, we will follow recipes for seeing to translate different levels of the visual processing hierarchy into the domain of experience, using the power of simple materials to foreground direct visual perception. The course is divided into one seminar-style lecture and one session of studio instruction per week. Each student will have access to studio materials and equipment for creating and documenting visual experiences. Students will be expected to prepare simple captures of work and work processes to share with the class as needed and to contribute to the exhibition content that will have physical and online aspects. A final project and exhibition of student work will replace a final exam. 

Fall 2024 Syllabus (last updated 9/5/24)

Course Structure

The course consists of one two-hour seminar (Tuesday) and one two-hour studio workshop (Thursday) per week. Seminars will include slide talks, demonstrations, video documents, etc. by the team as well as invited guests. Carefully chosen readings and student presentations will fuel discussions. In previous years, workshop hours during the first weeks of class were spent in a dark room where students were guided through experiments visualizing the fundamental interactions of light and vision. As the semester progresses, studio sessions will serve preparation of final projects for exhibition. The seminar will be divided into six modules that build, one upon the next, to introduce principles of vision neuroscience and their parallels in the creation of visual art. Toward the end of the semester, we will design, install and open a public exhibition of projects in the Compton Gallery.

Online Catalogues of Past Work 

Perceiving Perception (December 2017 – February 2018), MIT Museum Studio Compton Gallery

Web Catalog 
Dessert of the Real (December 2018 – May 2019), MIT Museum Studio Compton Gallery 

Instruments of Vision (December 2019 – May 2020), MIT Museum Studio Compton Gallery 

Emissive (December 2021 – fall 2022), MIT Museum Studio Compton Gallery 

Module 3  Binocular vision, depth, and motion perception 

                 Role of Learning in Three-dimensional Form Perception (Sinha and Poggio 1996)

Sinha Slides: Stereo/motion/lightness

                 Optional, extra readings: 

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UKGOls6ubW5YIEeLflCTjfeELFQJR1ns/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=112934696816129912997&rtpof=true&sd=truePawan SInha: Stereo, Motion, Light

Module 4  Color and Light

                 Seeing in Color (Lotto et al 2011)   

                 Optional, extra readings:


Brandon Jackson: Constructing Reprsentations of Colour

Module 5  Recognition, compositionality, and perceptual primitives 

                 Guest speaker reading: Perceptual Plausibility of Exaggerated Realistic Motion (Schmidt et al 2024)

                 Optional, extra readings:


Pawan Sinha

Pawan Sinha is a professor of vision and computational neuroscience in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. He received his undergraduate degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi and his Masters and doctoral degrees from the Department of Computer Science at MIT. Using a combination of experimental and computational modeling techniques, research in Pawan’s laboratory focuses on understanding how the human brain learns to recognize objects through visual experience and how objects are encoded in memory. The lab’s experimental work on these issues involves studying healthy individuals and also those with neurological disorders such as autism. A key initiative of the lab is Project Prakash; this effort seeks to accomplish the twin goals of providing treatment to children with disabilities and also understanding mechanisms of learning and plasticity in the brain.

contact: psinha AT mit.edu 

Seth Riskin 

Seth Riskin runs the MIT Museum Studio and Compton Gallery, a space for interdisciplinary projects and experimental exhibitions. He also oversees the Holography and Spatial Imaging area at the MIT Museum. A light artist who conducts humanistic research of light across disciplines and cultures, Seth brings to the course hands-on methods for controlling light and shaping the visual perception of form, space and time, as well as expertise in the values and meanings of light and how they contribute to what we see.
contact: riskin AT mit.edu 

Sarah Schwettmann 

Sarah Schwettmann is a computational neuroscientist interested in creativity underlying the human relationship to world: from the brain’s fundamentally constructive role in sensory perception to the explicit creation of experiential worlds in art. She is a research scientist with the Vision group in MIT CSAIL and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. She received her PhD from MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, where she was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Previously, Sarah was also a member of the Eagleman Laboratory for Perception and Action at Baylor College of Medicine and the Shouval Lab for Theoretical Neuroscience at UT Health Science Center Houston. In the arts, Sarah uses her background in computation to create installations that explore structure in human cognition and the nature of intelligence. Her work has been exhibited at FiftyThree in New York and at OPEN Gallery in Boston. Sarah received BAs in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Cognitive Science from Rice University, where she was a Trustee Distinguished Scholar, Century Scholar, and taught courses on Engineering Computation and Women Leaders in STEM.

contact: schwett AT mit.edu
