

Experience DescriptionFunctionMaterial Description
Sight sourcePoint-source of light for control of 
illumination structure and brightness
Maglite mini LED flashlight and batteries
“Deeds and sufferings” of brightDimmable color changerRed/green/blue LED bulb with remote control
Portals for looking inPersonal pocket ganzfeld; dissolves
edges creating equiluminant light field
Ping pong ball halves
Edge softenersMixes up light information a little or a lot;
variable with distance
Vellum double-sided matte .005 thickness and vellum paper
Brightness modulatorsRough reflection or absorption of light;
variable with angle; cut outs, curves, folds…
White and black paper
Cuttable darkAbsorbs light; creates edges, apertures, windowsBlack museum board
Architectonics of darknessLight absorbing structural material for
¼” black foam core
Subtlest mirrorTransparency; marks can be floated in
the visual field; transmits and reflects
light depending on angle
Acetate .004 thickness
Planar brightnessHolds light; transmits light information
when illuminated from behind
Thin white styrene
Liquid imageryMakes imagery malleableMetalized polyester
Viewpoint chooserShows and multiplies different
angles of view
Polyethylene mirror
Slices of colorRich, vibrant, reflected-color sheetsColor Aid swatches
Brightness shaperLight baffle; tubes, cutouts; controls
light spill
Cinefoil black light-block foil
Texture shaperPolygon structuring of 2D and 3D
perceptual surfaces
Wire mesh
HandsHolding layers of materialsAlligator clip-sticks with base