

Experience Description


Material Description

Sight source

Point-source of light for control of 
illumination structure and brightness

Maglite mini LED flashlight and batteries

“Deeds and sufferings” of bright

Dimmable color changer

Red/green/blue LED bulb with remote control

Portals for looking in

Personal pocket ganzfeld; dissolves
edges creating equiluminant light field

Ping pong ball halves

Edge softeners

Mixes up light information a little or a lot;
variable with distance

Vellum double-sided matte .005 thickness and vellum paper

Brightness modulators

Rough reflection or absorption of light;
variable with angle; cut outs, curves, folds…

White and black paper

Cuttable dark

Absorbs light; creates edges, apertures, windows

Black museum board

Architectonics of darkness

Light absorbing structural material for

¼” black foam core

Subtlest mirror

Transparency; marks can be floated in
the visual field; transmits and reflects
light depending on angle

Acetate .004 thickness

Planar brightness

Holds light; transmits light information
when illuminated from behind

Thin white styrene

Liquid imagery

Makes imagery malleable

Metalized polyester

Viewpoint chooser

Shows and multiplies different
angles of view

Polyethylene mirror

Slices of color

Rich, vibrant, reflected-color sheets

Color Aid swatches

Brightness shaper

Light baffle; tubes, cutouts; controls
light spill

Cinefoil black light-block foil

Texture shaper

Polygon structuring of 2D and 3D
perceptual surfaces

Wire mesh


Holding layers of materials

Alligator clip-sticks with base